‘Green Sky Thinking’ Talk
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What are London’s Green Spaces really for? Our open spaces are vital green lungs and community resources, but are under increasing commercial pressure to ‘pay their way’. How can we balance creating an active and commercially successful green infrastructure network with financial imperatives?

This series of talks and panel discussion will seek to answer this question with views from Hackney Council as well as leading green architects and landscape architects.
Participating will be:

Sam Parry – Parks Development Manager at Hackney Council
Andrew Tempany – Landscape Architect at Arup
Chris Romer-Lee – Director at Studio Octopi Architects
Rory Harmer – Partner at Tate Harmer Architects

Discussion will be chaired by Jerry Tate – Partner at Tate Harmer Architects

Date & time: 6.30pm to 8.30pm – Tuesday 16th May 2017
Location: Tate Harmer, Unit G1B2 Stamford Works, London N16 8JH
RSVP: cdunham@tateharmer.com

(Email must contain your name, position, organisation, sector and contact details)